Facing Federal Criminal Charges
With all of its resources, the federal government enjoys an extremely high conviction rate. Annually, there are approximately 100,000 guilty pleas in the federal criminal system. Approximately 97% of federal criminal indictments are now resolved by a plea bargain and a guilty plea.
Mandatory federal sentencing guidelines also add to the risk of going to trial. Charges are often stacked to increase the potential sentence the defendant will face.
The federal criminal system encourages prosecutors to charge individuals with as many counts as possible to force the defendant to plead guilty to a lesser offense. This is one of many reasons that fewer and fewer people charged with crimes can exercise their constitutional right to a jury trial.
For all these reasons, selecting the right criminal defense lawyer when facing serious criminal charges is vital to your future.
Experienced Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers
Our lawyers have extensive experience defending clients facing federal charges.
We are committed to providing you with the best representation and advice possible. We will work with you to minimize the total costs while providing the most effective representation possible.
If you are being actively investigated for wrongdoing, we can work with the investigators to try to avoid indictment. If you go to trial, we will aggressively challenge all elements of all charges.
Contact Us
To confidentially discuss your specific situation, contact us online or call 601-957-3101.