Administrative Enforcement Actions

What is Administrative Law?

Administrative Law refers to the federal and state regulations that give rise to agency enforcement actions. Violating agency rules can lead to significant penalties, fines, and the suspension or revocation of professional licenses and permits.

Administrative Hearings

Disputes between private citizens/businesses and government agencies are resolved at administrative hearings. Administrative hearings are less formal than a typical courtroom setting. The rules of evidence are more relaxed. However, this informal nature does not mean you should take it lightly.
Learn more about Administrative Hearings and Appeals.

Enforcement Actions

Regulatory agencies have accumulated vast power to make, enforce, and interpret the law—often without serious oversight. Every year, unelected bureaucrats issue thousands of new regulations. Many of these regulations provide for the imposition of significant fines and penalties while providing little in the way of due process. These regulations are enforced through cease and desist letters and publicly filed enforcement actions.

We Can Help

if you become the target of a regulatory or licensure matter or need representation at an administrative hearing, we will fight to protect your rights.

Our lawyers have successfully litigated enforcement actions brought by various state and federal agencies, including:

To find out how we can help you with your regulatory matter, contact us online or call our office at 601-957-3101.